Convivium revives the proud heritage of Seminarium Kondakovianum, the eponymous journal issued in Prague in 1927 by the Seminarium Kondakovianum, an institute founded to honor and perpetuate the legacy of Nikodim Kondakov. Largely through the journal, Kondakov’s pioneering scholarship in Byzantine and medieval studies was known and celebrated throughout the Russian and Czech milieu and Western Europe.
Resurrecting the spirit of Seminarium Kondakovianum, Convivium vigorously fosters the interests linking Eastern and Western Europe by emphasizing the cultural roots shared throughout the Mediterranean region. It covers an extensive time span, from the Early Christian period to the Late Middle Ages, which, in Central Europe, lasted well beyond the Italian Renaissance. With history of art as Convivium’s nucleus, the journal explores widely diverse subjects pertaining to images – objects and monuments, and the diverse forms of their creation, use, appreciation, or experience. Accordingly, its scope encompasses various disciplines allied with art history – anthropology, archaeology, historiography, liturgy, and, of course, history itself. The editors’ aim is to ensure that Convivium provides a broad, clear insight into its topics and the research methods used to analyze them.
The scholars and institutions engaged in publishing Convivium represent several countries and disciplines, and therefore give the periodical diverse perspectives. The editorial board comprises noted scholars affiliated with Czech, Italian, French, Swiss, and American academic institutions. The journal is published collaboratively by the Centre for Early Medieval Studies at the Masaryk University in Brno, the Czech Republic’s Institute of Art History at the Academy of Sciences of, and the University of Lausanne.
Two regular editions of Convivium are issued every year, one focusing on a single, defined topic, the other on assorted subjects. These are supplemented with occasional additional issues concerning a specific event, geographic area, or historical or social phenomenon. Each issue has from five to fifteen articles, in one of four languages: English, French, Italian, or German. All articles are generously illustrated with high-quality, up-to-date images. Convivium is published in both printed and digital editions.
Submissions send to:
Michele Bacci (Université de Fribourg)
Jaś Elsner (Oxford University)
Ivan Foletti (Masaryk University, Brno)
Herbert L. Kessler (Johns Hopkins University, Masaryk University, Brno)
Jan Klípa (Academy of Sciences, Prague)
Christina Maranci (Harvard University)
Serena Romano (Université de Lausanne)
Elisabetta Scirocco (Bibliotheca Hertziana – Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte)
Hans Belting
Klára Benešovská
Xavier Barral i Altet (Université de Rennes, Università di Venezia Ca’ Foscari)
Nicolas Bock (Université de Lausanne)
Valentina Cantone (Università di Padova)
Clario Di Fabio (Università di Genova)
Finbarr Barry Flood (New York University)
Ondřej Jakubec (Masaryk University, Brno)
Alexei Lidov (Moscow State University)
Assaf Pinkus (Tel Aviv University)
Stefano Riccioni (Universià di Venezia Ca’ Foscari)
Jiří Roháček (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic)
Erik Thunø (University of New Jersey)
Alicia Walker (Bryn Mawr College)
Nathan Dennis (University of San Francisco)
Stefanie Lenk (University of Bern)
Adrien Palladino (Masaryk University, Brno)
Klára Doležalová
Karolina Foletti
Zuzana Frantová
Katarína Kravčíková
Sarah Melker
Johanna Zacharias
Anna Kelblová
Helena Konečná
Berta K. Skalíková
Kristýna Smrčková
Petr M. Vronský
Kamila Severová
Call for papers for incoming issues.
The ethics statement of the journal Convivium is based on the Code of Conduct guidelines of the Committee of Publication Ethics (COPE), available at All the parties involved in publishing our journal (i.e. editors, authors, reviewers and publishers) are expected to adhere to the following ethical principles.
Submissions should be sent to and to the mail of the respective executive editor of the given issue, as stated in CFP.
All issues of Convivium are available in printed as well as electronic format. You can order any issue directly through the webpage of our publisher Brepols.
(Ivan Foletti & Jan Klípa eds, 2024)
(Nathan S. Dennis & Ravinder S. Binning eds, 2024)
(Ivan Foletti & Michele Bacci eds, 2023)
(Sarah K. Kozlowski & Kristen Streahle eds, 2023)
(Julian Gardner & Serena Romano eds, 2022)
(Ivan Foletti, Martin F. Lešák & Adrien Palladino eds, 2022)
(Adrien Palladino & Elisabetta Scirocco eds, 2021)
(Philippe Cordez & Ivan Foletti eds, 2021)
(Ivan Foletti & Zuzana Frantová eds, 2020)
(Herbert L. Kessler & Serena Romano eds, 2020)
(Ivan Foletti & Elisabetta Scirocco eds, 2019)
(Ivan Foletti & Elisabetta Scirocco eds, 2018)
(Clario Di Fabio & Serena Romano eds, 2017)
CONVIVIUM IV/1: Medieval Art History in Prison
(Xavier Barral i Altet & Ivan Foletti eds, 2017)
(Serena Romano & Elisabetta Scirocco eds, 2016)
(Michele Bacci & Ivan Foletti eds, 2015)
(Herbert L. Kessler & Elisabetta Scirocco eds, 2014)
Centre for Early Medieval Studies
Masaryk University, Faculty of Arts
Arna Nováka 1
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic