This year the traditional walking expedition exploring medieval monuments started in the French city of Poitiers where it symbolically followed up on the end of the
last expedition. In contrast to the four previous expeditions this one took a completely new direction, though. It followed the ancient pilgrim route called
Via Turonensis crossing the city of Tours after which it was named. This northern branch of St. Jacob's pilgrim trail leading from Paris as far as
Santiago de Compostela goes through a few interesting regions of central and western France. As we had not enough time (no more than sixteen days) to cover the
whole of this route, it was decided that we should not set off directly from Paris, where most of the participants arrived in early morning hours by bus from Prague,
but that all of us should meet a bit further away in Poitiers. Thus, our journey led only via two current regions, through

There were only eight participants, which made the second smallest number just after the first march four years ago, setting off for a walking expedition leading through vast rural regions decorated with huge dark forests, fertile fields and green meadows alternating with smaller or bigger villages and towns. This year the traditional participants, Ivan and Karolína Foletti, were joined by experienced pilgrims – Sabina, Favorit, Pavla and Tereza and two pilgrim beginners too – Leoš and Katarína, the only representative of Slovakia since the pilgrim "veteran" Schallo did not take part in the journey this year.
Not even did the scorching heat, which often reached nearly tropical temperatures, nor did the long laps walked on hot asphalt spoil the excitement of the whole expedition. Despite all kinds of bruises, blisters and sunburn we got up very early in the morning every day and walked forward at a brisk pace over the horizons towards church or abbey towers and fronts being seen from great distances already, and looking forward to new discoveries, unknown medieval monuments and the local gastronomy too. This made our everyday tiring journey agreeable by way of exclusively local products, both ripe and fresh sheep and goat milk cheeses, smoked foods, tapenade, vegetables, bread, patés, ratatouille and wines or croissants and pain au chocolat for breakfast.
After a sightseeing visit to the local medieval cathedral and church, we made our way from Poitiers, our starting point, to another prominent stop on Via Turonensis, a small town of Lusignan where we arrived the following afternoon. This is a place where an ancient French family of Lusignan, whose members had even participated in the first crusade, came from. After having a rest in the lovely shade of the local park, having a refreshing drink from the nearby water well and sightseeing the local church we continued our way towards Melle where we arrived partly on foot and partly by hitchhiking late on the following day. The temperatures were reaching astronomical values on those days, and so it was far more wholesome to wait them out in tree and church shades and walk towards evening.

Outside the centre of the town of Melle we visited St Hilaire church built between 11th and 12th centuries. Our interest was primarily captured by the
decorated portals and capitals which have been partially preserved despite the fact that they had been badly destroyed and subsequently restored in 19th century.
We were also interested in the disposition and location of the whole building in view of the pilgrim trail passing by. We had a chat with a very nice old lady
there – the local sextoness who not only refilled our water bottles, but also offered us a shelter to sleep in her garden. Unfortunately, we had to turn down
that tempting offer because we needed to cover a few more kilometres before going to bed. Refreshed by the break and and by new pieces of knowledge we made our
way along forest paths and through a dark tunnel by the river to the outskirts of the town where we stayed the night on a meadow admiring the beautiful night
sky. After walking another day and a half we stopped at the town of Aulnay where we rested outside the centre in the shade of an ancient cemetery full of symbolical
sarcophagi close to the church of

The subsequent walking on foot, alternative hitchhiking and going by train took us first to Pons where you find among other things an ancient pilgrim centre and
La Sauve also offered us a good starting point for hitchhiking to nearby Bordeaux where we took a train to the remote town of Dax. In early evening hours
we admired the sculptural decoration and narrative biblical plaques of the back facade of

However, the adventure of that evening had not come to an end yet. When all of us finally fell asleep, despite the fact that there was a smoker going there and back around his car not far from us, moreover, some other people who had parked there, too, joined him. As they did not know who we were, they came after a short chat with the smoker to the conclusion that we were refugees from Romania and that they should call the police. The smoker only added that if they would call the police he would leave and disappeared. Since we decided, regardless of that disturbing dialogue, that hardly anyone would be coming, some of us literally got a fright when a police patrol came about an hour later. After two police officers jumped out of the car asking: "Who are you, are you Romanians?" and our senior lecturer Mr Foletti jumped out of his sleeping bag saying: "No, I am a professor from Switzerland and these are my students," the local police went away slamming the door of their car behind them without asking any other questions.
On the following morning we visited the Abbey of
Tereza Kučerová