Liminality and the Medieval Art II
October 8–10, 2018
From October 8 to October 10, the international conference “Liminality and the Medieval Art II” was held at the Hans Belting Library.
Following up on a first conference in 2017, this year, the contributions regarding physical or imaginary places of transitionin medieval art were conceived in pairs. The goal was to create a dialogue between an art historian and a researcher from a different field. Among others spoke for example Prof. Sible de Blaauw (Radboud University Nijmegen), Prof. John Mitchell (University of East Anglia), Prof. Nicholas Pickwoad (University of the Arts London), Dr. Elisabetta Scirocco (Bibliotheca Hertziana), Dr. Vlad Bedros (Bucharest National University of Arts) or Dr. Matthew Pelowski (University of Vienna). The key-lecture of the conference entitled Encounters at the Entrance: The Mobile Viewer and the Medieval Church was delivered by Dr. Tina Bawden from the Freie Universität in Berlin. All contributions will be published in the next Supplementum of Convivium in 2019.