May 10, 2018
Since 2016, the Center for Early Medieval Studies have already organised several study trips to explore the monuments of the medieval Caucasus. During these trips, we have not only collected a lot of new pieces of knowledge and intriguing questions, but also photographs and movie clips – as well as desire to share our experiences with wider public. Such thoughts have been gradually gaining a clear shape after our visit to Ani, the former capital of the medieval Armenian kingdom, which is now located with the present Turkish territory. It was there that we started to collect clips for a new documentary movie about Armenian art. This year in March, a small group of us also travelled to the actual present Armenia to shoot additional video material.
At the moment, we have been busy preparing the meeting titled On Cultural Genocide, Memory and Beauty: The Art of Medieval Armenia, which is going to take place at the university cinema of Scala at 18.00 on May 10, 2018. There, you will get the chance to watch a short documentary movie about Armenian architecture, after which Ivan Foletti will present his lecture on the importance of memory within the context of present-day destruction of artistic heritage which has started to happen at several places round the globe.
We would cordially like to invite everybody to the event!