Dear friends and colleagues, dear pilgrims,
in connection with the event “Týden pro podlipnické kostely [Week for Podlipnicke Churches] 5.–12. 7. 2020” (websites here), we would like to invite you all to the Vademecum, a one-day summer pilgrimage co-organized by the Centre for Early Medieval Studies to three churches in Vysočina.
A short pilgrimage (c. 10 km) towards the churches of St. Markéta in Loukov, st. Martin in Dolní Město, and the Church of St. Jiří in Řečice, which all have preserved wall paintings from the 14th century, will take place on Saturday, July 11, 2020, from 10:00 am, with the participation of Klára Benešovská.
The meeting is scheduled for 10:00 am at the Church of St. Markéta in Loukov, and the program will finish in the Chapel of St. Vavřinec at Lipnice Castle, where, from 5:30 pm, you are invited to join the evening talk entitled “From a Landscape to an Object and to the Man: On the Road from Lausanne to Normandy” which will be led by Ivan Foletti from the Center for Early Medieval Studies and the team of Migrating Art Historians.
For more information about the whole event [held primarily in czech language], see the program attached or visit the websites of the Přátelé podlipnických kostelů [Friends of Podlipnicke Churches] association. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me at kravcikova.katarina@gmail.com